Monday, March 25, 2019

FDA Attorney Services - Ingredient Reviews and FDA Regulatory Assistance

Ingredient reviews are used to determine whether particular products, as currently formulated, may be legally marketed in the United States without further regulatory approval. Because some ingredients may only be used in products that are classified as drugs, it is essential to know whether your formulation would cause your product to be regulated more stringently and require pre-approval.

If you have any questions about FDA ingredient reviews or how an FDA regulatory attorney can help you, please feel free to contact us at (305) 507-9843 for the best FDA attorney services. You can also visit us online for more details.

FDA Lawyer Services

Monday, March 18, 2019

FDA Consultant Services - Food Allergen Labeling

Under FALCPA and accompanying FDA regulations, major allergens must be declared in the labeling of all food products (including dietary supplements) sold in the United States. If the significant allergens are not appropriately stated, companies face the possibility of detention/refusal, warning letters, and (because allergens invoke serious health risks to consumers) even recalls. Accordingly, it is essential for marketers to stay up-to-date with current labeling regulations to avoid costly mistakes.

For more information about food regulations or our services, call Shehadeh Giannamore, PLLC at (305) 507-9843. You can also visit our website for more details about our FDA consultant services.

FDA Compliance Services

Monday, March 11, 2019

FDA Attorney Services - FDA Regulations and Organic and Natural Claims

Because the FDA generally classifies the products it regulates based on intended use and ingredients found therein, among other considerations, an initial stage in determining how a product will be controlled is by looking to the intended use. The FDA generally determines the intended use of a product based on statements, called “claims,” made about a product, i.e., what the marketer claims the product can do. In addition to intended use-type claims, specific claims are made about the ingredients found in a product, such as organic and natural claims.

For more information about developing organic and natural claims or how an FDA regulatory lawyer may help you ensure FDA compliance, please contact us at (305) 507-9843 for the best FDA attorney services. You can also visit us online for more details.

FDA Attorney Service

Monday, March 4, 2019

FDA Lawyer Services - Ways Cosmetic Product Companies Can Comply with FDA Labeling Requirements

Cosmetic products do not require Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval unless they have color additives or unless they qualify as a drug, medical device, or dietary supplements. There are two laws, however, that regulate the entry of cosmetic products into interstate commerce. Since most cosmetic companies sell their products through the Internet and regional, national, or international distributors; companies that make, pack, distribute or market aesthetic commodities need to understand these laws and how to comply with them.

If you are looking for legal advice on cosmetic product safety and labeling requirements, we can help. Contact us at (305) 507-9843 for the best FDA lawyer services. You can also visit us online for more details.

FDA Consultant Services